The allmighty comment tag

Google Analytics is pretty cool, I said something about it previously. It’s Urchin, but re-released in the google family. I signed up for it the first day it was available for free, and started adding my websites to it as profiles. Well, the popularity of this service was a little more than Google expected, and they werent quite able to handle the high load of new traffic. So after a week they suspended new registrations and removed that ability to add new profiles if you already had an account. The only thing is the didnt actually remove the ability to add new profiles, all they did was comment out the link that you click to add those profiles.

So, the URL still works, you can add profiles to your heart’s content actually. Which I’m sure is a relief to some people. Thank goodness for lazy web developers! I wonder if they have an opening…. wink

technorati tags: google, [ analytics]( analytics), [ comment]( comment), [ profiles]( profiles)