
“Soon, I will be getting a roomate. I’ve just finished rearranging my room to make space for him and his stuff. I was really enjoying having my own room for a while this year, but this guy wanted to move into the house and I had never paid for a single room so I get a roomate. Which is actually fine. I’m not too upset about it, having a roomate will be kinda fun again. I won’t be much of a roomate for the guy though, I’m rarely in my room until after 5pm any given day. Thursdays he might see me for an entire hour.

With my schedule, this room is mainly just a place to sleep, and that activity is taking less and less time every week it seems like. It’s a little hypocritical to complain about lack of sleep when I didn’t wake up till 1:30 today.

I have a couple papers to write and another set of roughs for art due early this week. I really need to get cracking on that stuff.”