Journal #7

At one point in the republic Socrates submits the idea that medicine should not be used on those that will not be able to immediately return to a productive role in society. According to him, doctors should not expend their efforts to prolong the life of a wealthy person who has done little for society and will not be able to add something productive to society. The callous attitude of Socrates toward medical care for those of ailing health seems cynical and harsh to me. Socrates is only one step from recommending euthanasia for those who are a burden on society. Americans are wealthy and spoiled, I don’t see why we cannot expend some of our wealth to attempt to prolong the life of a loved one who is sick, or ease their suffering. To realistically carry out Socrates idea, we would need to implement some sort of scoring system. Each person gains credit for the hours of work they put towards the common good. As soon as the cost of their medical care exceeds that which we gain from keeping the ill person around, we would have to cut off care and let them pass away. This type of point tracking system is truly ridiculous and harsh towards any sort of human sensibilities. I wish that I could visit the hypothetical city that Socrates so gladly constructs for the best interests of mankind, and see if much remains that we would recognize as humanity in their hearts.