Not a Journal Entry

I don�t know what up with all my crazy posting lately. It seems like the flood gates of blogging have opened. No sophisticated philosophical musings this time though. I just thought I should mention that I am really enjoying work so far. Certainly my position relatively far down the pecking order leaves me doing a lot of �grunt� work. Grunt work for web-design that is. I can sit here for five hours and enjoy being wrapped in my technology. I work in Macromedia suite and a attempt to accomplish design projects for a job. It�s like a warm cocoon of digital joy surrounds me here at work. Does using a Mac make everyone feel euphoric the same way? One way that this job far exceeds my job at Offut over the summer is that there are people I work with who know far more, and even the same amount as me about the topics that I am interested in, Web-Design, Programming, Server administration. Over the summer I pretty much lived in the forums at This was my only real social interaction with professional peers, and was actually the majority of all my social interaction for the last 2 weeks of the summer when Becca went back home. At college I�v placed myself in a social situation where I cannot be an introvert. At work I get to revel in my introverted tendencies. That�s the long and the short of today. I�ll be leaving work here in a few minutes and will be getting ready to go on a float trip with the crusade guys. Woo!