Ahhh�. refreshing
Just moments ago my aparatment entered a new era of existence. I now have a brand new Air Conditioner up here, it�s a little sucker but it puts out a lot colder air than the last one, which could probably recount stories of the Nixon era if it could speak. Or if it cared about politics. Anyways, suffice it to say that my apartment is now starting to slowly cool off. Apartment life is fun, I�ve never had a land-lord before and I have never had to complain about something to a landlord before. Does ductape count as weather stripping?
I guess I didn�t really need to go to the gym today at work, I worked up more of a sweat sitting here and breathing before installing the AC. I really like the fact that I get 3 hours per week to use at the gym on base, I didn�t utilize that time for the first month I was here, and I�m kicking myself now for that. I know that my trend of twice weekly exercise won�t continue once I reach college this fall. Plus who else but the government pays you to not work so much!
I learned an interesting fact today, apperantly a single stalk of corn can transpirate a gallon of water each day during their peak pollination time (now). So the humidity is completely unbearable in this part of the midwest because there are many millions of gallons of water being pumped out of the ground and into the air right now. This combined with the usual temps of 95 make Iowa, Nebraska, Norther Missouri, a veritable inland sea, just at a much lower density.