Getting There

This is the morning of my big move. Sure, I have been away by myself at college for 2 years already, yet, there is something portentious about moving into my first apartment. My first living space truly by myself, with no roomate. I will be moving into a nice 3rd floor dormer studio apartment. Sadly, I doubt I will have internet access in my apartment for the first couple of weeks. I will check into getting local phone service and dial-up once I get down there, but I will be sans connectivity for a while. I can stay in touch through e-mail while at work, but it will still be nice to have some sort of access to be able to do design work for Level 1. I really wish that I had a laptop right now, if I did, I could simply drive to one of the many nearby wifi hotspots near UNO and do any surfing I wished to for free!

Well, I�ll probably post an update on how my job goes later this week. I am also really excited about finally having a �real� fulltime job in my chosen career field. I�v had a number of great part-time jobs in the multimedia/broadcasting/IT area, but none of them have been as serious as this one probably will be. Eh, who knows? We�ll see on monday morning.