7th inning stretch
In only 3 days I will be on spring break. I cannot even comprehend the speed with which this year has flown by. After spring break there are 5 weeks of school, after that point I will be a senior. Unbefrickenlievable! I am very busy these days with my numerous commitments. Tonight there are several things I need to get ready for the crusade meeting tomorrow night, I am responsible for a funny skit for the meeting some weeks, other weeks I just try to come up with any sort of humor element that will appease the masses. Soon I may be switching responsibilities again within the Campus Crusade movement here, we�ll see what happens.
Don�t foget that tomorrow night there will be some great entertainment streaming live from the campus radio station curtesy of DJ Timbly.
Here is some random linkage for all of you, I think I will make a point of finding some blogs or other site for my readers in each post. Here you are, the first link is a blog primarily about print design, but they offered a really timely and useful guide for web-designers who want to print business cards. Business cards can get expensive but are a neccessary part of doing business. Myself and my partners at Level 1 Media decided to print our own business cards last week in a laserjet on cardstock, they turned out pretty good for as easy as the process was.
Another interesting blog I uncovered is a nice little blog from a christian with some thoughts on various issues. I know that description is quite vague, but sometimes random blogs like this are a good time killer. And I really like the name of his blog.
The parent�s banquet for the fraternity went well and afterwords I got to hang out at a LAN party hosted by the one and only Aaron. I think his name would be a lot cooler with some more a�s in it, Aaaaron. Even without the extraneous vowels in his name he knows how to throw a sweet LAN party. In case you were wondering, Unreal Tournament 2004 is very sweet, but there is no reason to play any game-type other than Onslaught. This fact highlights the complete awesomeness of the game Tribes, and its ill fated successor Tribes 2. Gameplay involving huge open air environments and the use of vehicles is what makes a team based first person shooter truly magnificent. When the next game in the Tribes series emerges from the dark game development womb at Vivendi Universal I imagine there will be great rejoicing in the gamer world.
There is no feeling quite like stumbling out of a computer filled basement just before sunrise after a long night of intense competition, and intense caffination.