easy is funner� 4th Entry

I�m sitting here at work again discussing life, the universe, and everything once again.

This afternoon I wen�t buddy bowling for the house. This is a great program where we get a chance to go bowling with a group of mentally handycapped people. Each person get�s their own buddy to bowl with once a week. My buddy Chad is actually quite good at bowling, and beat me soundly in the first round. The second round was s different story, but I can�t really feel much pride for beating my buddy at bowling, especially when there was another buddy in a wheel chair who completely beat both of us at our lane.

This evening I work untill 8, and consists of cleaning more virii off student computers and obtaining the obligatory big pop from the kwik stop. Though, I am not actually getting a big pop anymore, I have been getting lemonade lately. Two weeks ago I gave up pop. Why? Because I felt like beginning to eat healthier, and loosing a couple pounds won�t kill me. So, sadly I have not had any Mountain Dew in a long time, I am expecting Pepsi to declare bankruptcy soon from the revenue they are losing.

Tonight I will see The Passion. And I expect I will be up for quite a while afterwords. Hopefully you will get one more post before I go to sleep.