Word of the Day
It�s funny sometimes how you pick out the meanings of words simply from context and never really think about what the actual definition of that word is. I do not question the definitions of words while I am reading, usually I just move right past without any idea what a particular obscure word may mean. Sometimes I may be asked to define some little known word and am unable to put into words the general feeling that the word elicts from my subconcious. Or more embarrasingly, the vague sense of meaning that I may have associated with a particular word will be completely wrong. Just now I was going to use the word gregarious to start off this rant, I had the idea that gregarious meant something similar to fat, full, and slow. Obviously I was mistaken.
The nice thing about the internet and the web is the instant availability of information, and the accessability of that information is rapidly improving. Just now I was able to try to look up a definition from a word that I used earlier in this rant, �elict�. According to dictionary.com and Merriam Webster this is not a real word. Which is funny, because I seem to remember having read it several times before.
Greeeeeeeen Acres is the place to be,
faaaaarm livin� is the life for me� doo da doo doo da doodooda doo dat do.
Sorry for the interruption just needed to get that out of my system. While at school, I do not read much, I simply do not take the time to sit down and enjoy a book. I usually read a fair amount during the summer when I am bored. I wasn�t nearly so bored this past summer, thanks to a special someone back home. The point is that I have noticed a marked decline in the amount of leisure reading that I do. I hope that this is not a continuing trend as it would be a shame to stop doing something that I have enjoyed so much in the past. I think that my enjoyment of reading has really benefitted me. A large vocabulary and refined writing skills are the results of extensive reading, from what I have seen so far these are the foundations of success in many instances. Especially in school, I freely admit that I do very little in the way of studying or organized preparation for most of my classes. High school is a joke if you can understand the system, and college is simply a variation on the same theme as high school. Probably the biggest difference in the collegeiate world is that all of a sudden you are choosing to take classes that you actually can enjoy. When I can actually enjoy the accomplishment of learning something because I wanted to learn it, that is when I am the best student. The rest of the time I make a really awful student.
Whoa, I�m not sure how this turned into a rant about education and such, but I promise not to slip from my whimiscal inconsequential ramblings again. There will be no forays in the essayists world again� until my next rant� maybe.
Thanksgiving break was a much needed relief from the pain and drudgery of my regular schedule. I was able to enjoy a great deal of time with Becca as well as a little time with my family. A great deal of food was eaten, but I certaintly did not feel gregarious after that meal. Well, maybe just a little, but that was because of all the taters, ya know� mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, baked potatoes. I�m thinking Lord of the Rings when I�m writing that line about the potatoes. I happened to watch the Extended Edition of the Two Towers over break and I must say that it is simply awesome. I have to assume that Jackson and New Line realized after the immense success of the first extended edition DVD set that people really wanted a second version, and would pay to get some quality extra content. I assure you that this extended edition more than delivers in the extra content department. I�m not sure about the total number of extra minutes of footage, but content wise there is a plethora of addittional information absolutely vital to the story. Some of the plot elements that I missed so sorely from the theatrical release of LoTR:tTT have been included where they should be. Fanghorn forest comes to helms deep, and there is some much needed character development for Faramir and Aragorn. The Tolkein Purists will be somewhat appeased by the many additions to this fine motion picture.
Now that I have partaken of some Two Towers goodness I am really really excited for the Return of the King. I hope that I will get to see it in all it�s glory soon after the release date. I wish that I was in a position to go and wait in the freezing cold early morning lines to get tickets to the first showing at my local theater. My local theater sucks, and I am already planning on seeing it a couple days later for the first time with my girlfriend. So the wait is excrutiatingly sweet.
My semester is meandering to a close in a way that college has never presented before, slowly and easily. I�m sure there will be a few last minute projects that I will put off til� well, the last minute. So, work is done for the night, and I am about to trek back to my room through the harrrowing winter weather. Dramatic wording seems to be flowing from my very soul tonight. Well, the clock says 8, so I guess I will believe it and close up. Later gater. Wow, that sounded really dorky.