Special Extended Edition
Since the last post was relatively short compared to what you people are used to, I have decided to make another post as a sort of extended rant from monday night. The days are flying by so quickly that it really does seem like monday night was actually last night, which it wasn�t. Last night was Tuesday night and also the night that our fraternity held a charity bowlathon for this really cute little baby boy who had special surgery for spina bifida. It went over pretty well from what I can tell.
Yesterday also marked the end of another class, this one a TV workshop class where we had to produce 2 30 minute productions to be aired over local public access cable. Everything went pretty well, except for the small fact that Adobe premiere needs to die a quick and painful death. Our project file would freeze the computer when trying to open, every single time. Eventually we found out that there was a corrupt title file which apperantly cause the Mac to hang while Premiere checked files.
Oh, I just looked at the clock and it looks like I get off work in about 10 minutes. That means this extended edition rant won�t really be very extended. As soon as I am done here I will be going back to my room and working on throwing together a writing portfolio for one of my classes. I do not have a 3 ring binder or those little plastic paper protector sheets, so this may not be the best looking portfolio ever. At the same time I am working on a portfolio website for a Computer Design class final project, I am actually excited about working on that assignment. I also have a 5-7 page paper about a british poem/book due friday in another class. Oh, hey look it�s the end of the semester again� maybe this time the rapture will come before finals happen. I can always hope�
I should be able to post something about The Last Samuri soon, believe me, I have a lot to say. And in other news my roomate is completely nuts, I will try to convince him to post something about the adventure he had this morning.