the view from up here

It�s a rainy day and I�m sitting inside listening to some Dave Matthews, and being unimaginative. I sit in front of the computer for hours on end each day doing a great many different things. I do a little homework now and again, I play games, and I surf the web. I dont watch television anymore, it�s not that I have any moral conviction to never watch television, I just don�t ever feel like it, and I don�t miss it. It�s strange really, as a kid I watched TV several hours a day, pretty much the same in high-school until I was a senior. I am a pretty busy person and was very busy as a senior, although not really with school, I had already moved on from high school by that point and was just finsihing out a couple simple classes in order to graduate. My 2 jobs kept me pretty busy, along with the courses I was taking at the local community college. Both of my jobs that year were in TV broadcasting, I was a PA(Production Assistant) at a local news station, and ran the control room for broadcasting our city council meetings once a week. All of this kinda kept me from ever watching TV at home, this became a sort of habit. Now that I am at college, I am very busy most days and Television has simply been pushed out as the lowest thing on my priority list. I get most of my information of the web, and most of my entertainment there as well.

I could be ranting a great deal about television media and how it compares to the internet as a medium, but there are some other things pressing on my mind right now that are sucking most of my creative juices. The possibilities of entrepenurial business are looming on the horizon right now. It may not be true that all the good ideas are taken, but all the good names are definately taken.