�I recomend you reformat.�
The title of today�s little post is what I just heard from one of my fellow IT helpdesk technicians. Reformatting is usually the easiest solution, and often the most fun way of punishing stupid people that keep on bothering you. Most useful solutions in life seem to consist of scrapping what you have right now and starting over from the beginning.
I regret not informing legions of raving fans of every nuance of my life, from the past few days. I suppose the best place to start would be where I left off. My last post was fun because it involved some research. I ended up needing an editorial for my media writing class on friday, and didn�t feel like writing one so I simply copied my post about file sharing, and modified it slightly. The only problem is that it is a little too long, image that, me being long winded. I realized that blogging is the naturally ultimate form of editorial commentary.
This weekend was busy, friday consisted of watching several movies and, I cannot really remember what else happened. For a few hours on Saturday night and into Sunday morning myself and a few friends stood around the fountain and tossed a frisbee around. Then my roomate and i purchased a 25? TV for a really good price from wal-mart. Our room is now the official movie room for our group of friends.
I really would like to tell you all more about my fun and exciting life, such as the paintball game I played yesterday afternoon, but I am done with work for the evening. So see ya later folks.