Why do I try?
Well, I felt all serious and profound when I wrote this. It�s not exactly poetry, but hey my stream of consciousness isn�t supposed to follow any set pattern that you can predict. So here is a little something different for my rants.
Where even light has fled hope still remains.
The darkness may close in around us, but a flicker of life will always combat despair.
Even when we cannot see the light of hope it is still fighting for us against the night.
We will not fade away in that cruel night, instead we will fight to fan that flame from a flicker to a blaze that can conquer any blackness.
Though many will stumble and fall, give up hope and give in to the crushing void; those who fight for light are never alone, even in the darkest abyss.
Our light is not extinguished by some evil external to ourselves; instead the shadow emerges from a pool of blackness in the hearts of all men.
The fire that burns eternal is fueled by the one in whom our only hope resides.