personal note

I obviously have a lot to say today since it has been a while since I�ve updated this page in a month. I have been in the process of moving it and merging it into bothanet.

It�s only been a few day since everything changed, On Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 war was declared on the USA through a vicious and well executed terrorist attack that left thousands dead or missing, the horror of this event is still truly more terrible than I care to contemplate. It has been heralded as the second Pearl Harbor, although the nature of the attack is more like the Lusitania (majorly civilian). The cold blooded murder of American Citizens will not be tolerated. Our nations full military strength will rain down upon the perpetrators of this atrocity. It will be awefull. By the self righteous retaliation that will surely ensue we make ourselves sink to the level of these cowards. The issue of pacifism is insanely frustrating in this instance, our resolve and patriotism is strong, we will fight, and yet more American citizens will likely die. Words are insufficient to fully express emotions. A clear historical picture of this event and the ensueing violence that I forsee will be a far cry from what reality is right now. On the other hand, with politics and governments reality is generally an illusion.