on employment

Wow! am I glad that the job market for techs isnt entirely dried up. Reports flood the internet about homeless web-workers, but there are niches out there for the technoligalclly inclined. It seems that there are plenty of businesses that just dont yet realize that they need a tech. I was recently hired for a local news station as a production assistant, I am still relatively young so I am not to worried about really high paying jobs, but for my age I am getting a great deal of experience. Most of my friends work at department stores or fast food places. At the place I was just hired they needed a web-page so the manager learned HTML(or some WYSIWYG tool) and made the web-page himself. I was impressed and hope to do some work with that project, but it made me realize that there are lots of companies out there other than dotcom�s that need internet techs to do various work. Its amazing how depressed our economy got with the first sign of growing pains in a new industry.