A Simple Request
All I want is a computer that wont complain when I ask it to do everything! It’s not like I’m unreasonable, when I’m working I just need a few essential programs running at all times, and I need to be able to switch between them quickly. Should a modern computer have any problems running the bare necessities like Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, WSFTP, Firefox, Visio, and Outlook at the same time? I should think not! But, what do I face every day? Memory problems! That ample 1 gigabyte of RAM my work computer has should be enough to keep it chugging happily along all day, or all week. It would be nice to not have to restart every day, it would also be nice not to play the little process priority game. You know the one, open up the task manager (assuming it will open today), sort by ‘Mem Usage’, and go down the list until you find something you can do without. Oh, look! Firefox is eating up 186MB of my RAM again. How wonderful!